Musical Activity During Life Is Associated With Multi-Domain Cognitive and Brain Benefits in Older Adults

Böttcher, A
Zarucha, A
Gaubert, M
Höppner, A
Altenstein, S
Bartels, C
Buerger, K
Dechent, P
Wolfsgruber, S
Yakupov, R
Düzel, E
Jessen, F
Wagner, M
Kempermann, G
Wirth, M
Document Type
Year published
in Frontiers in Psychology, ISSN: 1664-1078
Volume: 13
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85138019566
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1664-1078
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Böttcher, A;   2 Zarucha, A;   3 Köbe, T;
4 Gaubert, M;   5 Höppner, A;   6 Altenstein, S;
7 Bartels, C;   8 Buerger, K;   9 Dechent, P;
10 Dobisch, L;   11 Ewers, M;   12 Fliessbach, K;
13 Freiesleben, SD;   14 Frommann, I;   15 Haynes, JD;
16 Janowitz, D;   17 Kilimann, I;   18 Kleineidam, L;
19 Laske, C;   20 Maier, F;   21 Metzger, C;
22 Munk, MHJ;   23 Perneczky, R;   24 Peters, O;
25 Priller, J;   26 Rauchmann, BS;   27 Roy, N;
28 Scheffler, K;   29 Schneider, A;   30 Spottke, A;
31 Teipel, SJ;   32 Wiltfang, J;   33 Wolfsgruber, S;
34 Yakupov, R;   35 Düzel, E;   36 Jessen, F;
37 Röske, S;   38 Wagner, M;   39 Kempermann, G;
40 Wirth, M;   41 the, DSG;