Iron Deficiency and Incident Infections Among Community-Dwelling Adults Age 70 Years and Older: Results from the Do-Health Study

Lanz, P
Wieczorek, M
de Godoi Rezende Costa Molino, C
Schaer, DJ
Spahn, DR
Freystätter, G
Nitschke, I
Dietrich, T
Baer, W
Landau, K
Ruschitzka, F
Manz, M
Burckhardt, P
Document Type
Article in Press
Year published
in Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, ISSN: 1279-7707
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85137716373
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1279-7707
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Lanz, P;   2 Wieczorek, M;   3 Sadlon, A;
4 de Godoi Rezende Costa Molino, C;   5 Abderhalden, LA;   6 Schaer, DJ;
7 Spahn, DR;   8 Freystätter, G;   9 Orav, EJ;
10 Egli, A;   11 Bischoff Ferrari, HA;   12 Rival, S;
13 Guyonnet, S;   14 Biver, E;   15 Merminod, F;
16 Bridenbaugh, S;   17 Suhm, N;   18 Duarte, CCM;
19 Pinto, AF;   20 Felsenberg, D;   21 Börst, H;
22 Spicher, A;   23 Felson, DT;   24 Mccloskey, EV;
25 Johansson, E;   26 Watzl, B;   27 Gomez, MR;
28 Tsourdi, E;   29 Rauner, M;   30 Halbout, P;
31 Ferrari, SM;   32 Gut, B;   33 Ba, M;
34 Schegg, JW;   35 Etheve, S;   36 Eggersdorfer, M;
37 Delannoy, CS;   38 Reuschling, M;   39 Staehelin, HB;
40 Walter, PW;   41 Dick, W;   42 Fried, M;
43 von Eckardstein, A;   44 Simmen, HP;   45 Langhans, W;
46 Zinkernagel, A;   47 Mueller, N;   48 Distler, O;
49 Graetz, K;   50 Nitschke, I;   51 Dietrich, T;
52 Baer, W;   53 Landau, K;   54 Ruschitzka, F;
55 Manz, M;   56 Burckhardt, P;   57 DO HEALTH, Rg;