
Aletras, N
Barrett, L
Ash, E
Baldwin, B
Van Dijck, G
Vela, M
Wyner, A
Zampieri, M
Armour, J
Delacroix, S
Aletras,N;Androutsopoulos,I;Barrett,L;Goanta,C;Preotiuc Pietro,D
Document Type
Editorial Material
Year published
in Natural Legal Language Processing, NLLP 2021 - Proceedings of the 2021 Workshop
Pages: III-
3Rd Natural Legal Language Processing, Nllp 2021, Date: 10 November 2021
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85138437260
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Aletras, N;   2 Androutsopoulos, I;   3 Barrett, L;
4 Goantă, C;   5 Preotiuc Pietro, D;   6 Agnoloni, T;
7 Ash, E;   8 Baldwin, B;   9 Blair Stanek, A;
10 Borchmann, L;   11 Chalkidis, I;   12 Chandramouli, R;
13 Chen, D;   14 Danilevsky, M;   15 Davis, T;
16 Degaetano Ortlieb, S;   17 Di Caro, L;   18 Di Porto, F;
19 Drazewski, K;   20 Dyevre, A;   21 Fergadiotis, E;
22 Giaoui, F;   23 Grabmair, M;   24 Holzenberger, N;
25 Katz, D;   26 Kernerman, I;   27 Koubarakis, M;
28 Lampos, V;   29 Leidner, J;   30 Leszczynska, M;
31 Li, JJ;   32 Liepina, R;   33 Lim, HK;
34 Malakasiotis, P;   35 Meyers, A;   36 Mitrovic, J;
37 Quaresma, P;   38 Rehm, G;   39 Sanchez, G;
40 Schrepel, T;   41 Siems, M;   42 Simonson, D;
43 Soh, J;   44 Spanakis, G;   45 Tagarelli, A;
46 Taylor, A;   47 Tsarapatsanis, D;   48 Van Dijck, G;
49 Vela, M;   50 Wyner, A;   51 Zampieri, M;
52 Armour, J;   53 Delacroix, S;   54 The, NWo;