Global Surveillance of Cancer Survival 1995–2009: Analysis of Individual Data for 25 676 887 Patients from 279 Population-Based Registries in 67 Countries (Concord-2)

Weir, HK
Carreira, H
Harewood, R
Spika, D
Wang, X
Bannon, F
Ahn, JV
Johnson, CJ
Bonaventure, A
Chen, W
Ogunbiyi, OJ
Rachet, B
Soeberg, MJ
You, H
Matsuda, T
Bielska-Lasota, M
Storm, H
Tucker, TC
Coleman, MP
Document Type
Year published
in The Lancet, ISSN: 0140-6736
Volume: 385, Issue: 9972, Pages: 977-1010
Publication Identifiers
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ISSN: 0140-6736
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Allemani, C;   2 Weir, HK;   3 Carreira, H;
4 Harewood, R;   5 Spika, D;   6 Wang, X;
7 Bannon, F;   8 Ahn, JV;   9 Johnson, CJ;
10 Bonaventure, A;   11 Marcos-Gragera, R;   12 Stiller, C;
13 Azevedo e Silva, G;   14 Chen, W;   15 Ogunbiyi, OJ;
16 Rachet, B;   17 Soeberg, MJ;   18 You, H;
19 Matsuda, T;   20 Bielska-Lasota, M;   21 Storm, H;
22 Tucker, TC;   23 Coleman, MP;