Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness Against Influenza A Subtypes in Europe: Results from the 2021–2022 I-Move Primary Care Multicentre Study

Kissling, E
Pozo, F
Martínez Baz, I
Buda, S
Vilcu, AM
Domegan, L
Mazagatos, C
Dijkstra, F
Latorre Margalef, N
Kurečić Filipović, S
Castrillejo, D
Hooiveld, M
Carnahan, A
Ilić, M
Guiomar, R
Ivanciuc, A
Maurel, M
Omokanye, A
Valenciano, M
Document Type
Year published
in Influenza and other Respiratory Viruses, ISSN: 1750-2640
Volume: 17, Issue: 1
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 36702797
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85146921684
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1750-2640
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Kissling, E;   2 Pozo, F;   3 Martínez Baz, I;
4 Buda, S;   5 Vilcu, AM;   6 Domegan, L;
7 Mazagatos, C;   8 Dijkstra, F;   9 Latorre Margalef, N;
10 Kurečić Filipović, S;   11 Machado, A;   12 Lazar, M;
13 Casado, I;   14 Dürrwald, R;   15 van der Werf, S;
16 O'Donnell, J;   17 Linares Dopido, JA;   18 Meijer, A;
19 Riess, M;   20 Višekruna Vučina, V;   21 Rodrigues, AP;
22 Mihai, ME;   23 Castilla, J;   24 Goerlitz, L;
25 Falchi, A;   26 Connell, J;   27 Castrillejo, D;
28 Hooiveld, M;   29 Carnahan, A;   30 Ilić, M;
31 Guiomar, R;   32 Ivanciuc, A;   33 Maurel, M;
34 Omokanye, A;   35 Valenciano, M;   36 I MOVE, st;