Efficacy and Safety of Treatment with Omalizumab for Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria: A Systematic Review for the Eaaci Biologicals Guidelines

Agache I.
Rocha C.
Pereira A.
Song Y.
Alonso-Coello P.
Beltran J.
Posso M.
Akdis C.A.
Ogg G.
Ong P.
Schwarze J.
Werfel T.
Canelo-Aybar C.
Jutel M.
Document Type
Year published
in Allergy: European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, ISSN: 01054538
Volume: 76, Issue: 1, Pages: 59-70 (11)
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 32767573
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85090300070
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 01054538
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Agache I.;   2 Rocha C.;   3 Pereira A.;
4 Song Y.;   5 Alonso-Coello P.;   6 Solà I.;
7 Beltran J.;   8 Posso M.;   9 Akdis C.A.;
10 Akdis M.;   11 Brockow K.;   12 Chivato T.;
13 del Giacco S.;   14 Eiwegger T.;   15 Eyerich K.;
16 Giménez-Arnau A.;   17 Gutermuth J.;   18 Guttman-Yassky E.;
19 Maurer M.;   20 Ogg G.;   21 Ong P.;
22 O’Mahony L.;   23 Schwarze J.;   24 Werfel T.;
25 Canelo-Aybar C.;   26 Palomares O.;   27 Jutel M.;