in 23RD IIR INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF REFRIGERATION in Congres International du Froid-International Congress of Refrigeration, ISSN: 1025-9031
Volume: 23, Páginas: 4089-4096 (8)
23Rd International-Institute-Of-Refrigeration(Iir) International Congress of Refrigeration, Date: AUG 20-26, 2011, Location: Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC, Patrocinadores: Int Inst Refrigerat, DAIKIN, European Partnership Energy & Environm, Ingersoll Rand, Johnson Controls, Sofrigam, STAR Refrigerat, Honeywell, Ebmpapst, Emerson Climate Technol, LU VE, Carrier, Eurovent Certificat, Solvay Fluor, Danfoss, Prihoda, Bock Compressors, Cemafroid, Alfa Laval, GEA, EuroEnergy, Shecco