Differences in Clinical Course and Management of Sars-Cov2 Infection in Patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Between the Sequential Pandemic Phases: An Eric Study

Visentin, A
Document Type
Year published
in BLOOD, ISSN: 0006-4971
Volume: 140, Pages: 2333-2337 (5)
64Th Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American-Society-Of-Hematology (Ash), Date: DEC 10-13, 2022, Location: New Orleans, LA
Publication Identifiers
Wos: WOS:000893223202141
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0006-4971
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Visentin, A;   2 Scarfo, L;   3 Chatzikonstantinou, T;
4 Kapetanakis, A;   5 Demosthenous, C;   6 Karakatsoulis, G;
7 Andres, M;   8 Antic, D;   9 Allsup, D;
10 Baile, M;   11 Bron, D;   12 Capasso, A;
13 Catherwood, M;   14 Collado, R;   15 Cordoba, R;
16 Cuellar Garcia, C;   17 Delgado, J;   18 Dimou, M;
19 Doubek, M;   20 De Paoli, L;   21 De Paolis, MR;
22 Del Poeta, G;   23 Efstathopoulou, M;   24 Shimaa, EA;
25 Enrico, A;   26 Farina, L;   27 Ferrari, A;
28 Foglietta, M;   29 Furstenau, M;   30 Garcia Marco, JA;
31 Gentile, M;   32 Gimeno, E;   33 Maria, GD;
34 Gutwein, O;   35 Hakobyan, Y;   36 Herishanu, Y;
37 Hernandez, JA;   38 Herold, T;   39 Iyengar, S;
40 Itchaki, G;   41 Jaksic, O;   42 Janssens, A;
43 Kalashnikova, O;   44 Kalicinska, E;   45 Kater, AP;
46 Kersting, S;   47 Labrador, J;   48 Lad, D;
49 Laurenti, L;   50 Levin, MD;   51 Lista, E;
52 Malerba, L;   53 Marasca, R;   54 Marchetti, M;
55 Palomanes, JM;   56 Mattsson, M;   57 Mauro, FR;
58 Mayor Bastida, C;   59 Morawska, M;   60 Motta, M;
61 Munir, T;   62 Murru, R;   63 Milosevic, I;
64 Calvo, FM;   65 Niemann, CU;   66 Olivieri, J;
67 Orsucci, L;   68 Papaioannou, M;   69 Pavlovsky, MA;
70 Piskunova, IS;   71 Pocali, B;   72 Popov, VM;
73 Quaglia, FM;   74 Quaresmini, G;   75 te Raa, D;
76 Reda, G;   77 Rigolin, GM;   78 Ruchlemer, R;
79 Shrestha, A;   80 Simkovic, M;   81 Spacek, M;
82 Sportoletti, P;   83 Ciocan, OS;   84 Tadmor, T;
85 Vandenberghe, E;   86 Varettoni, M;   87 Vitale, C;
88 Van der Spek, E;   89 Van Gelder, M;   90 Wasik Szczepanek, E;
91 Yanez, L;   92 Yassin, MA;   93 Coscia, M;
94 Eichhorst, B;   95 Rambaldi, A;   96 Stavroyianni, N;
97 Trentin, L;   98 Stamatopoulos, K;   99 Ghia, P;