Federated Analysis in Coinstac Reveals Functional Network Connectivity and Spectral Links to Smoking and Alcohol Consumption in Nearly 2,000 Adolescent Brains

Gazula, H
Holla, B
Basodi, S
Zhang, Z
Verner, E
Kelly, R
Murthy, P
Chakrabarti, A
Basu, D
Smolka, MN
Walter, H
Winterer, J
Whelan, R
Turner, JA
Sarwate, AD
Plis, SM
Benegal, V
Schumann, G
Calhoun, VD
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Gazula, H;   2 Rootes-Murdy, K;   3 Holla, B;
4 Basodi, S;   5 Zhang, Z;   6 Verner, E;
7 Kelly, R;   8 Murthy, P;   9 Chakrabarti, A;
10 Basu, D;   11 Nanjayya, SB;   12 Singh, RL;
13 Singh, RL;   14 Kalyanram, K;   15 Kartik, K;
16 Kalyanaraman, K;   17 Ghattu, K;   18 Kuriyan, R;
19 Kurpad, SS;   20 Barker, GJ;   21 Bharath, RD;
22 Desrivieres, S;   23 Purushottam, M;   24 Orfanos, DP;
25 Sharma, E;   26 Hickman, M;   27 Toledano, M;
28 Vaidya, N;   29 Banaschewski, T;   30 Bokde, AL;
31 Flor, H;   32 Grigis, A;   33 Garavan, H;
34 Gowland, P;   35 Heinz, A;   36 Brühl, R;
37 Martinot, J;   38 Paillère Martinot, M;   39 Artiges, E;
40 Nees, F;   41 Paus, T;   42 Poustka, L;
43 Fröhner, JH;   44 Robinson, L;   45 Smolka, MN;
46 Walter, H;   47 Winterer, J;   48 Whelan, R;
49 Turner, JA;   50 Sarwate, AD;   51 Plis, SM;
52 Benegal, V;   53 Schumann, G;   54 Calhoun, VD;