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Characterisation of the Coexistence Between Sarcoidosis and Sjogren's Syndrome. Analysis of 43 Patients
Flores Chavez, A
·Ng, WF
·Alunno, A
·Inanc, N
·Feijoo Masso, C
·Seror, R
·Hernandez Molina, G
·Devauchelle Pensec, V
·Hofauer, B
·Pasoto, SG
Loaiza Cabello, D
·Garcia Morillo, JS
·Benegas, M
·Sanchez, M
·Fuster, D
·Sellares, J
·Mariette, X
·Ramos Casals, M
·Brito Zeron, P
Group Author(s)
Sarco-GEAS-SEMI; Sjogren Big Data Consortium
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 36541233
Wos: WOS:000965808100019
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0392-856X
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Name Order | Nome | Name Order | Nome | Name Order | Nome | ||
1 | Flores Chavez, A; | 2 | Ng, WF; | 3 | Alunno, A; | ||
4 | Inanc, N; | 5 | Feijoo Masso, C; | 6 | Seror, R; | ||
7 | Hernandez Molina, G; | 8 | Devauchelle Pensec, V; | 9 | Hofauer, B; | ||
10 | Pasoto, SG; | 11 | Robles, A; | 12 | Akasbi, M; | ||
13 | Lopez Dupla, M; | 14 | Retamozo, S; | 15 | Bandeira, M; | ||
16 | Romao, VC; | 17 | Carubbi, F; | 18 | Loaiza Cabello, D; | ||
19 | Garcia Morillo, JS; | 20 | Benegas, M; | 21 | Sanchez, M; | ||
22 | Muxi, A; | 23 | Fuster, D; | 24 | Sellares, J; | ||
25 | Mariette, X; | 26 | Ramos Casals, M; | 27 | Brito Zeron, P; |