Analysis of Hexavalent Chromium in Cement Samples From Countries Within and Outside the Eu: A Study From the International Contact Dermatitis Research Group

Lejding, T
Persson, L
Andersen, KE
Bruze, M
Derevyanko, L
Elsner, P
Goh, CL
Goncalo, M
Goossens, A
Pailin, P
Pratt, M
Verma, K
Zimerson, E
Oezkaya, E
Svedman, C
Document Type
Article in Press
Year published
in DERMATITIS, ISSN: 1710-3568
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 37001151
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85163187522
Wos: WOS:000961055300001
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1710-3568
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Lejding, T;   2 Persson, L;   3 Andersen, KE;
4 Bruze, M;   5 Derevyanko, L;   6 Elsner, P;
7 Goh, CL;   8 Goncalo, M;   9 Goossens, A;
10 Guelguen, MA;   11 Isaksson, M;   12 Hadzavdic, SL;
13 Maibach, H;   14 Matsunaga, K;   15 Mowitz, M;
16 Nixon, R;   17 Pailin, P;   18 Pratt, M;
19 Schuttelaar, MLA;   20 Sukakul, T;   21 Verma, K;
22 Zimerson, E;   23 Oezkaya, E;   24 Svedman, C;