Updated Results of the Prima Study Confirms the Benefit of 2-Years Rituximab Maintenance In Follicular Lymphoma Patients Responding to Immunochemotherapy.

Salles, GA
Catalano, J
Offner, FC
Caballero, D
Brice, P
Pedersen, LM
Sebban, C
Lister, A
Estell, JA
Milone, G
Sonet, A
Lopez Guillermo, A
Seymour, JF
Xerri, L
Document Type
Year published
in BLOOD, ISSN: 0006-4971
Volume: 116, Issue: 21, Pages: 746-746 (1)
52Nd Annual Meeting of the American-Society-Of-Hematology (Ash), Date: DEC 04-07, 2010, Location: Orlando, FL, Sponsors: Amer Soc Hematol
Publication Identifiers
Wos: WOS:000289662202012
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0006-4971
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Salles, GA;   2 Catalano, J;   3 Feugier, P;
4 Offner, FC;   5 Bouabdallah, R;   6 Caballero, D;
7 Brice, P;   8 Pedersen, LM;   9 Haioun, C;
10 Belada, D;   11 Delmer, A;   12 Simpson, D;
13 Tilly, H;   14 Leppa, S;   15 Soubeyran, P;
16 Hagenbeek, A;   17 Casasnovas, O;   18 Intragumtornchai, T;
19 Ferme, C;   20 da Silva, MG;   21 Sebban, C;
22 Lister, A;   23 Estell, JA;   24 Milone, G;
25 Sonet, A;   26 Lopez Guillermo, A;   27 Seymour, JF;
28 Xerri, L;