Syndecan-4 Is a Maestro of Gastric Cancer Cell Invasion and Communication That Underscores Poor Survival

Poças, J
Marques, C
Gomes, C
Otake, AH
Pinto, F
Ferreira, M
Silva, T
Matos, R
Ribeiro, AR
Lima, L
Afonso, LP
Santos, LL
Polónia, A
Belting, M
Costa Silva, B
Document Type
Year published
in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, ISSN: 1091-6490
Volume: 120, Issue: 20
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 37155874
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85158135443
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1091-6490
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Poças, J;   2 Marques, C;   3 Gomes, C;
4 Otake, AH;   5 Pinto, F;   6 Ferreira, M;
7 Silva, T;   8 Faria Ramos, I;   9 Matos, R;
10 Ribeiro, AR;   11 Senra, E;   12 Cavadas, B;
13 Batista, S;   14 Maia, J;   15 Macedo, JA;
16 Lima, L;   17 Afonso, LP;   18 Ferreira, JA;
19 Santos, LL;   20 Polónia, A;   21 Osório, H;
22 Belting, M;   23 Reis, CA;   24 Costa Silva, B;
25 Magalhães, A ;