The Sophie Search for Northern Extrasolar Planets

Demangeon, ODS
Dalal, S
Nsamba, B
Kiefer, F
Camacho, JD
Sahlmann, J
Arnold, L
Astudillo-Defru, N
Bonfils, X
Lopez, T
Moutou, C
Rey, J
Santerne, A
Strøm, PA
Tsantaki, M
Udry, S
Document Type
Year published
in Astronomy & Astrophysics, ISSN: 0004-6361
Volume: 653, Pages: A78
Publication Identifiers
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ISSN: 0004-6361
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Demangeon, ODS;   2 Dalal, S;   3 Hébrard, G;
4 Nsamba, B;   5 Kiefer, F;   6 Camacho, JD;
7 Sahlmann, J;   8 Arnold, L;   9 Astudillo-Defru, N;
10 Bonfils, X;   11 Boisse, I;   12 Bouchy, F;
13 Bourrier, V;   14 Campante, T ;   15 Delfosse, X;
16 Deleuil, M;   17 Díaz, RF;   18 Faria, J;
19 Forveille, T;   20 Hara, N;   21 Heidari, N;
22 Hobson, MJ;   23 Lopez, T;   24 Moutou, C;
25 Rey, J;   26 Santerne, A;   27 Sousa, S ;
28 Santos, NC ;   29 Strøm, PA;   30 Tsantaki, M;
31 Udry, S;