Department of Informatics Engineering (DEI)
Departamento de Engenharia Informática
AuthID: I-000-0K9 Publications Count: 3958
49 Team MembersFilters -> Year: 2025
TITLE: Test patterns for android mobile applications
AUTHORS: Ines Coimbra Morgado ; Ana C R Paiva ;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: 20th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, EuroPLoP 2015 in Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, EuroPLoP 2015, Kaufbeuren, Germany, July 8-12, 2015, VOLUME: 08-12-July-2015, PAGES: 32
AUTHORS: Ines Coimbra Morgado ; Ana C R Paiva ;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: 20th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, EuroPLoP 2015 in Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, EuroPLoP 2015, Kaufbeuren, Germany, July 8-12, 2015, VOLUME: 08-12-July-2015, PAGES: 32
TITLE: Testing approach for mobile applications through reverse engineering of UI Patterns
AUTHORS: Ines Coimbra Morgado ; Ana C R Paiva ;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: 30th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering Workshops (ASEW) in 2015 30th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering Workshop (ASEW), PAGES: 42-49
AUTHORS: Ines Coimbra Morgado ; Ana C R Paiva ;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: 30th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering Workshops (ASEW) in 2015 30th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering Workshop (ASEW), PAGES: 42-49
TITLE: Testing for Distinguishing Repair Candidates in Spreadsheets - the Mussco Approach
AUTHORS: Rui Abreu ; Simon Außerlechner; Birgit Hofer; Franz Wotawa;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: Testing Software and Systems - 27th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, ICTSS 2015, Sharjah and Dubai, United Arab Emirates, November 23-25, 2015, Proceedings, VOLUME: 9447, PAGES: 124-140
AUTHORS: Rui Abreu ; Simon Außerlechner; Birgit Hofer; Franz Wotawa;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: Testing Software and Systems - 27th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, ICTSS 2015, Sharjah and Dubai, United Arab Emirates, November 23-25, 2015, Proceedings, VOLUME: 9447, PAGES: 124-140
TITLE: The iMPAcT Tool: Testing UI Patterns on Mobile Applications
AUTHORS: Ines Coimbra Morgado ; Ana C R Paiva ;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: 30th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering Workshops (ASEW) in 2015 30TH IEEE/ACM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AUTOMATED SOFTWARE ENGINEERING (ASE), PAGES: 876-881
AUTHORS: Ines Coimbra Morgado ; Ana C R Paiva ;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: 30th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering Workshops (ASEW) in 2015 30TH IEEE/ACM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AUTOMATED SOFTWARE ENGINEERING (ASE), PAGES: 876-881
TITLE: The Influence of Documents, Users and Tasks on the Relevance and Comprehension of Health Web Documents
AUTHORS: Melinda Oroszlányová; Cristina Ribeiro ; Sérgio Nunes ; Carla Teixeira Lopes ;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems/International Conference on Project MANagement/Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies, CENTERIS/ProjMAN/HCist 2015, Vilamoura, Portugal, October 7-9, 2015., VOLUME: 64, PAGES: 771-778
AUTHORS: Melinda Oroszlányová; Cristina Ribeiro ; Sérgio Nunes ; Carla Teixeira Lopes ;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems/International Conference on Project MANagement/Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies, CENTERIS/ProjMAN/HCist 2015, Vilamoura, Portugal, October 7-9, 2015., VOLUME: 64, PAGES: 771-778
TITLE: The influence of documents, users and tasks on the relevance and comprehension of health web documents
AUTHORS: Melinda Oroszlanyova; Cristina Ribeiro ; Sergio Nunes ; Carla Teixeira Lopes ;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems (CENTERIS) / International Conference on Project MANagement (ProjMAN) / International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies (HCist) in CONFERENCE ON ENTERPRISE INFORMATION SYSTEMS/INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PROJECT MANAGEMENT/CONFERENCE ON HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES, CENTERIS/PROJMAN / HCIST 2015, VOLUME: 64, PAGES: 771-778
AUTHORS: Melinda Oroszlanyova; Cristina Ribeiro ; Sergio Nunes ; Carla Teixeira Lopes ;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems (CENTERIS) / International Conference on Project MANagement (ProjMAN) / International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies (HCist) in CONFERENCE ON ENTERPRISE INFORMATION SYSTEMS/INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PROJECT MANAGEMENT/CONFERENCE ON HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES, CENTERIS/PROJMAN / HCIST 2015, VOLUME: 64, PAGES: 771-778
TITLE: The weighted rank correlation coefficient in the case of ties
AUTHORS: Joaquim Pinto Da Costa ; Luis A C Roque ; Carlos Soares ;
AUTHORS: Joaquim Pinto Da Costa ; Luis A C Roque ; Carlos Soares ;
TITLE: Towards a mobile and wearable system for predicting panic attacks
AUTHORS: Jonathan Rubin; Hoda Eldardiry; Rui Abreu ; Shane Ahern; Honglu Du; Ashish Pattekar; Daniel G Bobrow;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, UbiComp 2015, Osaka, Japan, September 7-11, 2015, PAGES: 529-533
AUTHORS: Jonathan Rubin; Hoda Eldardiry; Rui Abreu ; Shane Ahern; Honglu Du; Ashish Pattekar; Daniel G Bobrow;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, UbiComp 2015, Osaka, Japan, September 7-11, 2015, PAGES: 529-533
TITLE: Towards Interactive Procedural Modelling of Buildings
AUTHORS: Jesus, D ; Coelho, A ; Sousa, AA ;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: 31st Spring Conference on Computer Graphics in Proceedings SCCG: 2015 31st Spring Conference on Computer Graphics, PAGES: 108-111
AUTHORS: Jesus, D ; Coelho, A ; Sousa, AA ;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: 31st Spring Conference on Computer Graphics in Proceedings SCCG: 2015 31st Spring Conference on Computer Graphics, PAGES: 108-111
TITLE: Towards the Design and Implementation of Aspect-Oriented Programming for Spreadsheets
AUTHORS: Pedro Maia; Jorge Mendes ; Jácome Cunha ; Henrique Rebêlo; João Saraiva ;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: 2nd Workshop on Software Engineering Methods in Spreadsheets, SEMS 2015, Co-located with the 37th International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE 2015 in Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Software Engineering Methods in Spreadsheets co-located with the 37th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2015) , Florence, Italy, May 18, 2015., VOLUME: 1355, PAGES: 7-13
AUTHORS: Pedro Maia; Jorge Mendes ; Jácome Cunha ; Henrique Rebêlo; João Saraiva ;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: 2nd Workshop on Software Engineering Methods in Spreadsheets, SEMS 2015, Co-located with the 37th International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE 2015 in Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Software Engineering Methods in Spreadsheets co-located with the 37th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2015) , Florence, Italy, May 18, 2015., VOLUME: 1355, PAGES: 7-13
TITLE: Transparent Acceleration of Program Execution Using Reconfigurable Hardware
AUTHORS: Paulino, N ; Ferreira, JC ; Bispo, J ; Cardoso, JMP ;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: Conference on Design Automation Test in Europe (DATE) in 2015 DESIGN, AUTOMATION & TEST IN EUROPE CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION (DATE), VOLUME: 2015-April, PAGES: 1066-1071
AUTHORS: Paulino, N ; Ferreira, JC ; Bispo, J ; Cardoso, JMP ;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: Conference on Design Automation Test in Europe (DATE) in 2015 DESIGN, AUTOMATION & TEST IN EUROPE CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION (DATE), VOLUME: 2015-April, PAGES: 1066-1071
TITLE: TugaTAC Broker: A Fuzzy Logic Adaptive Reasoning Agent for Energy Trading
AUTHORS: Rubio, TRPM ; Jonas Queiroz ; Henrique Lopes Cardoso ; Ana Paula Rocha ; Eugénio C Oliveira ;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: 13th European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems, EUMAS 2015 and 3rd International Conference on Agreement Technologies, AT 2015 in Multi-Agent Systems and Agreement Technologies - 13th European Conference, EUMAS 2015, and Third International Conference, AT 2015, Athens, Greece, December 17-18, 2015, Revised Selected Papers, VOLUME: 9571, PAGES: 188-202
AUTHORS: Rubio, TRPM ; Jonas Queiroz ; Henrique Lopes Cardoso ; Ana Paula Rocha ; Eugénio C Oliveira ;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: 13th European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems, EUMAS 2015 and 3rd International Conference on Agreement Technologies, AT 2015 in Multi-Agent Systems and Agreement Technologies - 13th European Conference, EUMAS 2015, and Third International Conference, AT 2015, Athens, Greece, December 17-18, 2015, Revised Selected Papers, VOLUME: 9571, PAGES: 188-202
TITLE: TwitterJam: Identification of Mobility Patterns in Urban Centers Based on Tweets
AUTHORS: Francisco Rebelo; Carlos Soares ; Rosaldo J F Rossetti ;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: IEEE First International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2) in 2015 IEEE FIRST INTERNATIONAL SMART CITIES CONFERENCE (ISC2), PAGES: 1-6
AUTHORS: Francisco Rebelo; Carlos Soares ; Rosaldo J F Rossetti ;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: IEEE First International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2) in 2015 IEEE FIRST INTERNATIONAL SMART CITIES CONFERENCE (ISC2), PAGES: 1-6
TITLE: Two-Phase Approach to the Nesting problem with continuous rotations
AUTHORS: Pedro Rocha ; Rui Rodrigues ; Miguel Gomes, AM ; Franklina M B Toledo; Marina Andretta;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: 15th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing in IFAC PAPERSONLINE, VOLUME: 48, ISSUE: 3, PAGES: 501-506
AUTHORS: Pedro Rocha ; Rui Rodrigues ; Miguel Gomes, AM ; Franklina M B Toledo; Marina Andretta;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: 15th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing in IFAC PAPERSONLINE, VOLUME: 48, ISSUE: 3, PAGES: 501-506
TITLE: Understanding Rankings of Financial Analysts
AUTHORS: Artur Aiguzhinov; Ana Paula Sousa Freitas Madureira Serra ; Carlos Soares ;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: SSRN Electronic Journal
AUTHORS: Artur Aiguzhinov; Ana Paula Sousa Freitas Madureira Serra ; Carlos Soares ;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: SSRN Electronic Journal
TITLE: Urban Logistics Integrated in a Multimodal Mobility System
AUTHORS: Jorge Freire de Sousa ; Joao Mendes Moreira ;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: 18th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems in 2015 IEEE 18TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS, VOLUME: 2015-October, PAGES: 89-94
AUTHORS: Jorge Freire de Sousa ; Joao Mendes Moreira ;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: 18th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems in 2015 IEEE 18TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS, VOLUME: 2015-October, PAGES: 89-94
TITLE: Use of previously acquired positioning of optimizations for phase ordering exploration
AUTHORS: Nobre, R; Martins, LGA; Cardoso, JMP ;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: 18th International Workshop on Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems, SCOPES 2015 in Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems, SCOPES 2015, PAGES: 58-67
AUTHORS: Nobre, R; Martins, LGA; Cardoso, JMP ;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: 18th International Workshop on Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems, SCOPES 2015 in Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems, SCOPES 2015, PAGES: 58-67
TITLE: Using constraints to diagnose faulty spreadsheets
AUTHORS: Rui Abreu ; Birgit Hofer; Alexandre Perez ; Franz Wotawa;
AUTHORS: Rui Abreu ; Birgit Hofer; Alexandre Perez ; Franz Wotawa;
TITLE: Using Metalearning for Prediction of Taxi Trip Duration Using Different Granularity Levels
AUTHORS: Mohammad Nozari Zarmehri ; Carlos Soares ;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: 14th International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA) in Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XIV, VOLUME: 9385, PAGES: 205-216
AUTHORS: Mohammad Nozari Zarmehri ; Carlos Soares ;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: 14th International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA) in Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XIV, VOLUME: 9385, PAGES: 205-216
TITLE: Using Serious Games to Train Children and Elicit Fire Safety Behaviour
AUTHORS: Almeida, JE; Rossetti, RJF ; Faria, BM ; Coelho, AL;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (WorldCIST) in NEW CONTRIBUTIONS IN INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES, VOL 1, PT 1, VOLUME: 353, PAGES: 1153-1162
AUTHORS: Almeida, JE; Rossetti, RJF ; Faria, BM ; Coelho, AL;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (WorldCIST) in NEW CONTRIBUTIONS IN INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES, VOL 1, PT 1, VOLUME: 353, PAGES: 1153-1162