Paulo Jorge Ribeiro da Cruz
AuthID: R-000-EFA
TÃTULO: Towards e-Cities: An Atlas to Enhance the Public Realm Through Interactive Urban Cyber-Physical Devices
AUTORES: Paulo Ribeiro da Cruz; Ivo Oliveira; Bruno Figueiredo; João V Lopes; Paulo Freitas;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2023, FONTE: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems, SMARTGREENS 2023, Prague, Czech Republic, April 26-28, 2023.
AUTORES: Paulo Ribeiro da Cruz; Ivo Oliveira; Bruno Figueiredo; João V Lopes; Paulo Freitas;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2023, FONTE: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems, SMARTGREENS 2023, Prague, Czech Republic, April 26-28, 2023.


TÃTULO: Impact of thermal treatment on bonding performance of UF/PVAc formulations
AUTORES: Costa, NA; Ferra, J; Martins, Jorge M. ; Coelho, C ; Pereira, J ; Paulo Ribeiro da Cruz; Magalhães, F ; Luisa Hora de Carvalho ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2014, FONTE: International Wood Products Journal, VOLUME: 5, NÚMERO: 4
AUTORES: Costa, NA; Ferra, J; Martins, Jorge M. ; Coelho, C ; Pereira, J ; Paulo Ribeiro da Cruz; Magalhães, F ; Luisa Hora de Carvalho ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2014, FONTE: International Wood Products Journal, VOLUME: 5, NÚMERO: 4
TÃTULO: Optimal Operation Planning of Wind-Hydro Power Systems Using a MILP Approach
AUTORES: Paulo Ribeiro da Cruz; Hugo M I Pousinho; Rui Melício; Victor M F Mendes; Manuel Collares Pereira;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2014, FONTE: Technological Innovation for Collective Awareness Systems - 5th IFIP WG 5.5/SOCOLNET Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems, DoCEIS 2014, Costa de Caparica, Portugal, April 7-9, 2014. Proceedings, VOLUME: 423
AUTORES: Paulo Ribeiro da Cruz; Hugo M I Pousinho; Rui Melício; Victor M F Mendes; Manuel Collares Pereira;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2014, FONTE: Technological Innovation for Collective Awareness Systems - 5th IFIP WG 5.5/SOCOLNET Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems, DoCEIS 2014, Costa de Caparica, Portugal, April 7-9, 2014. Proceedings, VOLUME: 423


TÃTULO: Self-Similarity Analysis Applied to 2D Breast Cancer Imaging
AUTORES: Filipe Soares; Pawel Andruszkiewic; Mário M Freire ; Paulo Ribeiro da Cruz; Manuela Pereira ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2007, FONTE: 2nd International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications, ICSNC 2007 in Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications (ICSNC 2007), August 25-31, 2007, Cap Esterel, French Riviera, France
AUTORES: Filipe Soares; Pawel Andruszkiewic; Mário M Freire ; Paulo Ribeiro da Cruz; Manuela Pereira ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2007, FONTE: 2nd International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications, ICSNC 2007 in Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications (ICSNC 2007), August 25-31, 2007, Cap Esterel, French Riviera, France