TÍTULO: Upper limits for BB production in π--tungsten interactions at 194 GeV/c  Full Text
AUTORES: Ereditato, A; Gorini, E; Strolin, P; Bordalo, P; Boumediene, A; Ph Busson; Kluberg, L; Romana, A; Salmeron, R; Varela, J ; Blaising, JJ; Degre, A; Juillot, P; Morand, R; Mours, B; Winter, M; Falciano, S; Guanziroli, M; Hofer, H; Lecomte, P; Le Coultre, P; Suter, H; Telegdi, VL; Viertel, G; Betev, B; Freudenreich, K; Wallace Hadrill, J; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 1985, FONTE: Physics Letters B, VOLUME: 157, NÚMERO: 5-6
TÍTULO: Upper limits for B production in π−-tungsten interactions at 194 GeV/c
AUTORES: Ereditato, A; Gorini, E; Strolin, P; Bordalo, P; Boumediene, A; Ph Busson; Kluberg, L; Romana, A; Salmeron, R; Varela, J; J.J Blaising; Degré, A; Juillot, P; Morand, R; Mours, B; Winter, M; Falciano, S; Guanziroli, M; Hofer, H; Lecomte, P; Le Coultre, P; Suter, H; V.L Telegdi; Viertel, G; Betev, B; Freudenreich, K; Wallace-Hadrill, J; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 1985, FONTE: Physics Letters B, VOLUME: 157, NÚMERO: 5-6
INDEXADO EM: CrossRef: 9
TÍTULO: A high resolution spectrometer for the study of high mass muon pairs produced by intense hadron beams
AUTORES: Anderson, L; Benetta, R; Berst, JD; Betev, B; Blaising, JJ; Bordalo, P; Boumediene, A; Cerrito, L; Coc, A; Degre, A; Ph Delcros; Ereditato, A; Falciano, S; Freudenreich, K; Froberger, JP; Gouache, JC; Gregory, C; Gsponer, A; Guanziroli, M; Gudewicz, P; Hofer, H; Juillot, P; Klein, P; Kluberg, L; Lacourt, A; Lecomte, P; Lecoq, J; Le Coultre, P; Morand, R; Morpurgo, M; Mours, B; Parey, JY; Remy, G; Romana, A; Salmeron, R; Strolin, P; Suter, H; Tarnopolsky, GJ; Telegdi, VL; Varela, J ; Viertel, G; Wallace Hadrill, J; Winter, M; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 1984, FONTE: Nuclear Instruments and Methods In Physics Research, VOLUME: 223, NÚMERO: 1
INDEXADO EM: Scopus CrossRef: 35
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