Manuel Augusto Vieira
AuthID: R-000-K1D
TÃTULO: Rib Waveguide Plasmonic Sensor for Lab-on-Chip Technology
AUTORES: Almeida, D; Costa, J; Fantoni, A; Vieira, M;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: 13th Advanced Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical, and Industrial Systems, DoCEIS 2022 in IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, VOLUME: 649 IFIP
AUTORES: Almeida, D; Costa, J; Fantoni, A; Vieira, M;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: 13th Advanced Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical, and Industrial Systems, DoCEIS 2022 in IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, VOLUME: 649 IFIP
TÃTULO: Hybrid Nanocomposites of Plasmonic Metal Nanostructures and 2D Nanomaterials for Improved Colorimetric Detection
AUTORES: Serafinelli, Caterina; Fantoni, Alessandro; Alegria, Elisabete C. B. A.; Vieira, Manuela;
AUTORES: Serafinelli, Caterina; Fantoni, Alessandro; Alegria, Elisabete C. B. A.; Vieira, Manuela;
TÃTULO: Cross-section mismatch: metamaterials to the rescue Full Text
AUTORES: Lourenço, P; Fantoni, A; Costa, J; Vieira, M;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications, VOLUME: 52
AUTORES: Lourenço, P; Fantoni, A; Costa, J; Vieira, M;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications, VOLUME: 52
TÃTULO: Subwavelength structures for taper waveguides Full Text
AUTORES: Lourenço, P; Fantoni, A; Costa, J; Fernandes, M; Vieira, M;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: 5th International Conference on Applications of Optics and Photonics, AOP 2022 in Journal of Physics: Conference Series, VOLUME: 2407, NÚMERO: 1
AUTORES: Lourenço, P; Fantoni, A; Costa, J; Fernandes, M; Vieira, M;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: 5th International Conference on Applications of Optics and Photonics, AOP 2022 in Journal of Physics: Conference Series, VOLUME: 2407, NÚMERO: 1
TÃTULO: Silicon Nitride Interferometers for Optical Sensing with Multi-micron Dimensions Full Text
AUTORES: Costa, J; Almeida, D; Fantoni, A; Lourenço, P; Vieira, M;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: 5th International Conference on Applications of Optics and Photonics, AOP 2022 in Journal of Physics: Conference Series, VOLUME: 2407, NÚMERO: 1
AUTORES: Costa, J; Almeida, D; Fantoni, A; Lourenço, P; Vieira, M;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: 5th International Conference on Applications of Optics and Photonics, AOP 2022 in Journal of Physics: Conference Series, VOLUME: 2407, NÚMERO: 1
TÃTULO: VLC Ready Connected Cars: Trajectory Redesign Inside an Intersection
AUTORES: Vieira, MA; Vieira, M; Louro, P ; Vieira, P;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2021, FONTE: Conference on Optical Sensing and Detection VI in OPTICAL SENSING AND DETECTION VI, VOLUME: 11354
AUTORES: Vieira, MA; Vieira, M; Louro, P ; Vieira, P;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2021, FONTE: Conference on Optical Sensing and Detection VI in OPTICAL SENSING AND DETECTION VI, VOLUME: 11354
TÃTULO: Optimisation of a plasm onic parallel waveguide sensor based on amorphous silicon compounds
AUTORES: Costa, J; Fantoni, A; Lourenco, P; Vieira, M;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2021, FONTE: Conference on Optical Sensing and Detection VI in OPTICAL SENSING AND DETECTION VI, VOLUME: 11354
AUTORES: Costa, J; Fantoni, A; Lourenco, P; Vieira, M;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2021, FONTE: Conference on Optical Sensing and Detection VI in OPTICAL SENSING AND DETECTION VI, VOLUME: 11354
TÃTULO: Arrayed Graphene Enhanced Surface Plasmon Resonance for Sensing Applications
AUTORES: Fantoni, A; Vygranenko, Y; Macarico, A; Serafinelli, C; Fernandes, M; Mansour, R; Jesus, R; Vieira, M;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2021, FONTE: Conference on Optical Components and Materials XVIII in OPTICAL COMPONENTS AND MATERIALS XVIII, VOLUME: 11682
AUTORES: Fantoni, A; Vygranenko, Y; Macarico, A; Serafinelli, C; Fernandes, M; Mansour, R; Jesus, R; Vieira, M;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2021, FONTE: Conference on Optical Components and Materials XVIII in OPTICAL COMPONENTS AND MATERIALS XVIII, VOLUME: 11682
TÃTULO: Performance of an a-Si:H MMI multichannel beam splitter analyzed by computer simulation
AUTORES: Costa, J; Almeida, D; Fantoni, A; Lourenco, P; Fernandes, M; Vieira, M;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2021, FONTE: Conference on Silicon Photonics XVI in SILICON PHOTONICS XVI, VOLUME: 11691
AUTORES: Costa, J; Almeida, D; Fantoni, A; Lourenco, P; Fernandes, M; Vieira, M;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2021, FONTE: Conference on Silicon Photonics XVI in SILICON PHOTONICS XVI, VOLUME: 11691
TÃTULO: Crossroad Management through Visible Light Communication in Cooperative Vehicular Systems
AUTORES: Vieira, MA; Vieira, M; Louro, P ; Vieira, P;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2021, FONTE: Conference on Next-Generation Optical Communication - Components, Sub-Systems, and Systems X in NEXT-GENERATION OPTICAL COMMUNICATION: COMPONENTS, SUB-SYSTEMS, AND SYSTEMS X, VOLUME: 11713
AUTORES: Vieira, MA; Vieira, M; Louro, P ; Vieira, P;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2021, FONTE: Conference on Next-Generation Optical Communication - Components, Sub-Systems, and Systems X in NEXT-GENERATION OPTICAL COMMUNICATION: COMPONENTS, SUB-SYSTEMS, AND SYSTEMS X, VOLUME: 11713