L. Schueremans
AuthID: R-006-MSM
TÃTULO: Strengthening of masonry and earthen structures by means of grouting - design of grouts
AUTORES: Silva, RA; Oliveira, DV; Schueremans, L;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2009, FONTE: 1st International Conference on Protection of Historical Buildings (PROHITECH 09) in PROTECTION OF HISTORICAL BUILDINGS - PROHITECH 09, VOL 1 AND 2
AUTORES: Silva, RA; Oliveira, DV; Schueremans, L;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2009, FONTE: 1st International Conference on Protection of Historical Buildings (PROHITECH 09) in PROTECTION OF HISTORICAL BUILDINGS - PROHITECH 09, VOL 1 AND 2