M. A. S. M. Peter Tavares
AuthID: R-006-S09
TÃTULO: Acoustically conserving the worship heritage of Nossa Senhora de Penha de França church, Goa
AUTORES: Tavares, MASMP; Shukla, B; António P. Oliveira de Carvalho ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2018, FONTE: 47th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Impact of Noise Control Engineering, INTER-NOISE 2018 in INTER-NOISE 2018 - 47th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Impact of Noise Control Engineering
AUTORES: Tavares, MASMP; Shukla, B; António P. Oliveira de Carvalho ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2018, FONTE: 47th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Impact of Noise Control Engineering, INTER-NOISE 2018 in INTER-NOISE 2018 - 47th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Impact of Noise Control Engineering

TÃTULO: Evaluation of acoustic silence, acoustic intelligibility and acoustic sacred factor in goan Catholic churches
AUTORES: Tavares, MASMP; Rajagopalan, S; António P. Oliveira de Carvalho ; Sharma, SJ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2011, FONTE: 40th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering 2011, INTER-NOISE 2011 in 40th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering 2011, INTER-NOISE 2011, VOLUME: 4
AUTORES: Tavares, MASMP; Rajagopalan, S; António P. Oliveira de Carvalho ; Sharma, SJ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2011, FONTE: 40th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering 2011, INTER-NOISE 2011 in 40th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering 2011, INTER-NOISE 2011, VOLUME: 4

TÃTULO: Acoustic characterization of sacred music rendered by a human whistle at the Divine Providence Church in Goa, India
AUTORES: Peter Tavares, MASM; Rajagopalan, S; Sharma, SJ; António P. Oliveira de Carvalho ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2010, FONTE: 20th International Congress on Acoustics 2010, ICA 2010 - Incorporating the 2010 Annual Conference of the Australian Acoustical Society in 20th International Congress on Acoustics 2010, ICA 2010 - Incorporating Proceedings of the 2010 Annual Conference of the Australian Acoustical Society, VOLUME: 4
AUTORES: Peter Tavares, MASM; Rajagopalan, S; Sharma, SJ; António P. Oliveira de Carvalho ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2010, FONTE: 20th International Congress on Acoustics 2010, ICA 2010 - Incorporating the 2010 Annual Conference of the Australian Acoustical Society in 20th International Congress on Acoustics 2010, ICA 2010 - Incorporating Proceedings of the 2010 Annual Conference of the Australian Acoustical Society, VOLUME: 4

TÃTULO: The effect of source location, posture and language on speech intelligibility in goan churches
AUTORES: Tavares, MASMP; Rajagopalan, S; Sharma, SJ; António P. Oliveira de Carvalho ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2009, FONTE: Building Acoustics, VOLUME: 16, NÚMERO: 3
AUTORES: Tavares, MASMP; Rajagopalan, S; Sharma, SJ; António P. Oliveira de Carvalho ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2009, FONTE: Building Acoustics, VOLUME: 16, NÚMERO: 3