Dulce Helena Pereira Costa Fernão Pires
AuthID: R-000-4C8
TÃTULO: Efficiency and Sufficiency in electric energy: a study with higher education students
AUTORES: José L Sousa; Jorge Junior; Alexandre J Silva; Dulce H Costa;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2019, FONTE: 14th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES)
AUTORES: José L Sousa; Jorge Junior; Alexandre J Silva; Dulce H Costa;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2019, FONTE: 14th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES)

TÃTULO: Modeling for Computer Simulation as a Tool for the Teaching of Transient Power Systems
AUTORES: Sousa S Martins; Dulce Costa; Martins, JF ; Fernao F Pires ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2009, FONTE: 2nd International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives in 2009 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON POWER ENGINEERING, ENERGY AND ELECTRICAL DRIVES
AUTORES: Sousa S Martins; Dulce Costa; Martins, JF ; Fernao F Pires ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2009, FONTE: 2nd International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives in 2009 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON POWER ENGINEERING, ENERGY AND ELECTRICAL DRIVES
TÃTULO: An Anti-Resonance Active Method for a Power Factor Correction Capacitive Systeme
AUTORES: Fernao F Pires ; Dulce Costa; Gil Marques ; Fernando F Silva ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2008, FONTE: 2008 IEEE Region 8 International Conference on Computational Technologies in Electrical and Electronics Engineering in 2008 IEEE REGION 8 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES IN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING: SIBIRCON 2008, PROCEEDINGS
AUTORES: Fernao F Pires ; Dulce Costa; Gil Marques ; Fernando F Silva ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2008, FONTE: 2008 IEEE Region 8 International Conference on Computational Technologies in Electrical and Electronics Engineering in 2008 IEEE REGION 8 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES IN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING: SIBIRCON 2008, PROCEEDINGS
TÃTULO: Passive and active anti-resonance capacitor systems for power factor correction
AUTORES: Dulce Fernao Pires; Vitor Fernao Pires; Carlos Henggeler Antunes; Antonio Gomes Martins;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2006, FONTE: 12th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference in 2006 12TH INTERNATIONAL POWER ELECTRONICS AND MOTION CONTROL CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-4
AUTORES: Dulce Fernao Pires; Vitor Fernao Pires; Carlos Henggeler Antunes; Antonio Gomes Martins;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2006, FONTE: 12th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference in 2006 12TH INTERNATIONAL POWER ELECTRONICS AND MOTION CONTROL CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-4