TITLE: Magnetic resonance imaging for the clinical management of rectal cancer patients: recommendations from the 2012 European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology (ESGAR) consensus meeting  Full Text
AUTHORS: Regina G H Beets-Tan; Doenja M J Lambregts; Monique Maas; Shandra Bipat; Brunella Barbaro; Filipe Caseiro-Alves; Luís Curvo-Semedo; Helen M Fenlon; Marc J Gollub; Sofia Gourtsoyianni; Steve Halligan; Christine Hoeffel; Seung Ho Kim; Andrea Laghi; Andrea Maier; Søren R Rafaelsen; Jaap Stoker; Stuart A Taylor; Michael R Torkzad; Lennart Blomqvist;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: Eur Radiol - European Radiology, VOLUME: 23, ISSUE: 9
INDEXED IN: CrossRef: 132