TÍTULO: Overview of recent JET results in preparation for ITER operation: Interplay between technical and scientific progress  Full Text
AUTORES: Pamela, J; Ongena, J; Borba, D ; Buttery, R; Counsell, G; Felton, R; Joffrin, E; Lomas, P; Murari, A; Noterdaeme, JM; Piazza, G; Riccardo, V; Pitts, R; Rosanvallon, S; Stork, D; Zastrow, KD;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2005, FONTE: 23rd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 23) in FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, VOLUME: 74, NÚMERO: 1-4
INDEXADO EM: Scopus WOS CrossRef