I. Bogdanovi? Radovi?
AuthID: R-00G-0CX
TÃTULO: Stopping power of 11B in Si and TiO2 measured with a bulk sample method and Bayesian inference data analysis Full Text
AUTORES: Siketić, Z; Bogdanović Radović, I; Alves, E; N.P Barradas;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2010, FONTE: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, VOLUME: 268, NÚMERO: 11-12
AUTORES: Siketić, Z; Bogdanović Radović, I; Alves, E; N.P Barradas;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2010, FONTE: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, VOLUME: 268, NÚMERO: 11-12