Paula M?Ndez-Fernandez
AuthID: R-00G-0YS
TÃTULO: An assessment of contaminant concentrations in toothed whale species of the NW Iberian Peninsula: Part II. Trace element concentrations Full Text
AUTORES: Paula Méndez-Fernandez; Lynda Webster; Tiphaine Chouvelon; Paco Bustamante; Marisa Ferreira; Angel F González; Alfredo López; Colin F Moffat; Graham J Pierce; Fiona L Read; Marie Russell; Maria B Santos; Jérôme Spitz; José V Vingada; Florence Caurant;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2014, FONTE: Science of The Total Environment, VOLUME: 484
AUTORES: Paula Méndez-Fernandez; Lynda Webster; Tiphaine Chouvelon; Paco Bustamante; Marisa Ferreira; Angel F González; Alfredo López; Colin F Moffat; Graham J Pierce; Fiona L Read; Marie Russell; Maria B Santos; Jérôme Spitz; José V Vingada; Florence Caurant;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2014, FONTE: Science of The Total Environment, VOLUME: 484