TITLE: NA60 results on p(T) spectra and the rho spectral function in In-In collisions  Full Text
AUTHORS: Seixas, J; the NA60 Collaboration; Arnaldi, R; Averbeck, R; Banicz, K; Castor, J; Chaurand, B; Cicalò, C; Colla, A; Cortese, P; Damjanovic, S; David, A ; De D Falco; Devaux, A; Drees, A; Ducroux, L; En'yo, H; Ferretti, A; Floris, M; Förster, A; Force, P; Guettet, N; Guichard, A; Gulkanian, H; Keil, M; Kluberg, L; Lourenço, C; Lozano, J; Manso, F; Masoni, A; Martins, P; Neves, A; Ohnishi, H; Oppedisano, C; Parracho, P; Pillot, P; Puddu, G; Radermacher, E; Ramalhete, P; Rosinsky, P; Scomparin, E; Serci, S; Shahoyan, R; Sonderegger, P; Specht, HJ; Tieulent, R; Usai, G; Veenhof, R; Wöhri, HK; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2007, SOURCE: 19th International Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Necleus-Nucleus Collisions in JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G-NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS, VOLUME: 34, ISSUE: 8
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