E. Esarey
AuthID: R-00G-5XH
TÃTULO: Numerical simulations of LWFA for the next generation of laser systems Full Text
AUTORES: Martins, SF; Vieira, J ; Fiúza, F; Fonseca, RA ; Huang, C; Lu, W; Mori, WB; Trines, R; Norreys, P; Silva, LO ; Carl B Schroeder; Wim Leemans; Eric Esarey;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2009, FONTE: 13th Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop in ADVANCED ACCELERATOR CONCEPTS, VOLUME: 1086
AUTORES: Martins, SF; Vieira, J ; Fiúza, F; Fonseca, RA ; Huang, C; Lu, W; Mori, WB; Trines, R; Norreys, P; Silva, LO ; Carl B Schroeder; Wim Leemans; Eric Esarey;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2009, FONTE: 13th Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop in ADVANCED ACCELERATOR CONCEPTS, VOLUME: 1086
TÃTULO: Benchmarking the codes VORPAL, OSIRIS, and QuickPIC with Laser Wakefield Acceleration Simulations Full Text
AUTORES: Paul, K; Huang, C; Bruhwiler, DL; Mori, WB; Tsung, FS; Cormier-Michel, E; Geddes, CGR; Cowan, B; Cary, JR; Esarey, E; Fonseca, RA ; Martins, SF; Silva, LO ; Carl B Schroeder; Wim Leemans; Eric Esarey;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2009, FONTE: 13th Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop in ADVANCED ACCELERATOR CONCEPTS, VOLUME: 1086
AUTORES: Paul, K; Huang, C; Bruhwiler, DL; Mori, WB; Tsung, FS; Cormier-Michel, E; Geddes, CGR; Cowan, B; Cary, JR; Esarey, E; Fonseca, RA ; Martins, SF; Silva, LO ; Carl B Schroeder; Wim Leemans; Eric Esarey;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2009, FONTE: 13th Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop in ADVANCED ACCELERATOR CONCEPTS, VOLUME: 1086
TÃTULO: Emittance and current of electrons trapped in a plasma wakefield accelerator Full Text
AUTORES: Kirby, N; Blumenfeld, I; Clayton, CE; Decker, FJ; Hogan, MJ; Huang, C; Ischebeck, R; Iverson, RH; Joshi, C; Katsouleas, T; Lu, W; Marsh, KA; Martins, S; Mori, WB; Muggli, P; Oz, E; Siemann, RH; Walz, DR; Zhou, M; Carl B Schroeder; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2009, FONTE: 13th Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop in AIP Conference Proceedings, VOLUME: 1086
AUTORES: Kirby, N; Blumenfeld, I; Clayton, CE; Decker, FJ; Hogan, MJ; Huang, C; Ischebeck, R; Iverson, RH; Joshi, C; Katsouleas, T; Lu, W; Marsh, KA; Martins, S; Mori, WB; Muggli, P; Oz, E; Siemann, RH; Walz, DR; Zhou, M; Carl B Schroeder; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2009, FONTE: 13th Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop in AIP Conference Proceedings, VOLUME: 1086

TÃTULO: Recent results and future challenges for large scale particle-in-cell simulations of plasma-based accelerator concepts Full Text
AUTORES: Huang, C; An, W; Decyk, VK; Lu, W; Mori, WB; Tsung, FS; Tzoufras, M; Morshed, S; Antonsen, T; Feng, B; Katsouleas, T; Fonseca, RA ; Martins, SF; Vieira, J ; Silva, LO ; Esarey, E; Geddes, CGR; Leemans, WP; Cormier Michel, E; Vay, JL; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2009, FONTE: 5th Annual Conference of Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing (SciDAC 2009) in SCIDAC 2009: SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY THROUGH ADVANCED COMPUTING, VOLUME: 180, NÚMERO: 1
AUTORES: Huang, C; An, W; Decyk, VK; Lu, W; Mori, WB; Tsung, FS; Tzoufras, M; Morshed, S; Antonsen, T; Feng, B; Katsouleas, T; Fonseca, RA ; Martins, SF; Vieira, J ; Silva, LO ; Esarey, E; Geddes, CGR; Leemans, WP; Cormier Michel, E; Vay, JL; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2009, FONTE: 5th Annual Conference of Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing (SciDAC 2009) in SCIDAC 2009: SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY THROUGH ADVANCED COMPUTING, VOLUME: 180, NÚMERO: 1
TÃTULO: Computational studies and optimization of wakefield accelerators Full Text
AUTORES: Geddes, CGR; Bruhwiler, DL; Cary, JR; Mori, WB; Vay, JL; Martins, SF; Katsouleas, T; Cormier Michel, E; Fawley, WM; Huang, C; Wang, X; Cowan, B; Decyk, VK; Esarey, E; Fonseca, RA ; Lu, W; Messmer, P; Mullowney, P; Nakamura, K; Paul, K; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2008, FONTE: 4th Annual Scientific Discovery Through Advanced Computing Conference (SciDAC 2008) in SCIDAC 2008: SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY THROUGH ADVANCED COMPUTING, VOLUME: 125
AUTORES: Geddes, CGR; Bruhwiler, DL; Cary, JR; Mori, WB; Vay, JL; Martins, SF; Katsouleas, T; Cormier Michel, E; Fawley, WM; Huang, C; Wang, X; Cowan, B; Decyk, VK; Esarey, E; Fonseca, RA ; Lu, W; Messmer, P; Mullowney, P; Nakamura, K; Paul, K; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2008, FONTE: 4th Annual Scientific Discovery Through Advanced Computing Conference (SciDAC 2008) in SCIDAC 2008: SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY THROUGH ADVANCED COMPUTING, VOLUME: 125
TÃTULO: Three-dimensional particle-in-cell Simulations of laser wakefield experiments
AUTORES: Tsung, FS; Antonsen, T; Bruhwile, DL; Cary, JR; Decyk, VK; Esarey, E; Geddes, GR; Huang, C; Hakim, A; Katsouleas, T; Lu, W; Messmer, P; Mori, WB; Tzoufras, M; Vieira, J;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2007, FONTE: 3rd Annual Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing Conference (SciDAC 2007) in SciDac 2007: Scientific Discovery Through Advanced Computing, VOLUME: 78
AUTORES: Tsung, FS; Antonsen, T; Bruhwile, DL; Cary, JR; Decyk, VK; Esarey, E; Geddes, GR; Huang, C; Hakim, A; Katsouleas, T; Lu, W; Messmer, P; Mori, WB; Tzoufras, M; Vieira, J;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2007, FONTE: 3rd Annual Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing Conference (SciDAC 2007) in SciDac 2007: Scientific Discovery Through Advanced Computing, VOLUME: 78

TÃTULO: Towards the petascale in electromagnetic modeling of plasma-based accelerators for high-energy physics Full Text
AUTORES: Bruhwiler, DL; Antonsen, T; Cary, JR; Cooley, J; Decyk, VK; Esarey, E; Geddess, CGR; Huang, C; Hakim, A; Katsouleas, T; Messmer, P; Mori, WB; Tsung, FS; Vieira, J ; Zhou, M;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2006, FONTE: 2nd Annual Scientific Discovery Through Advanced Computing Conference (SciDAC 2006) in SciDAC 2006: Scientific Discovery Through Advanced Computing, VOLUME: 46, NÚMERO: 1
AUTORES: Bruhwiler, DL; Antonsen, T; Cary, JR; Cooley, J; Decyk, VK; Esarey, E; Geddess, CGR; Huang, C; Hakim, A; Katsouleas, T; Messmer, P; Mori, WB; Tsung, FS; Vieira, J ; Zhou, M;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2006, FONTE: 2nd Annual Scientific Discovery Through Advanced Computing Conference (SciDAC 2006) in SciDAC 2006: Scientific Discovery Through Advanced Computing, VOLUME: 46, NÚMERO: 1