I. Lazarou
AuthID: R-00G-794
TÃTULO: 32 Gbaud qpsk and 16qam field trial transmission over 560 km with gaas iq modulator for hybrid integration over soi photonic circuits
AUTORES: Pagano, A; Riccardi, E; Roccato, D; O'Keefe, M; Drummond, M; Lazarou, I; Dris, S; Bakopoulos, P; Avramopoulos, H; Nogueira, R;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2014, FONTE: 2014 Fotonica AEIT Italian Conference on Photonics Technologies, Fotonica AEIT 2014 in 2014 Fotonica AEIT Italian Conference on Photonics Technologies, Fotonica AEIT 2014
AUTORES: Pagano, A; Riccardi, E; Roccato, D; O'Keefe, M; Drummond, M; Lazarou, I; Dris, S; Bakopoulos, P; Avramopoulos, H; Nogueira, R;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2014, FONTE: 2014 Fotonica AEIT Italian Conference on Photonics Technologies, Fotonica AEIT 2014 in 2014 Fotonica AEIT Italian Conference on Photonics Technologies, Fotonica AEIT 2014

TÃTULO: Photonic - Electronic platform for next generation optical transport network
AUTORES: Kroh, M; O'Keefe, M; Voigt, K; Fedderwitz, S; Preve, GB; Lischke, S; Brast, T; Petousi, D; Stamatiadis, C; Kehayas, E; Nogueira, R ; Korn, D; Roccato, D; Schindler, PC; Lazarou, I; Koos, C; Freude, W; Leuthold, J; Avramopoulos, H; Steffan, AG; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2013, FONTE: 2013 15th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, ICTON 2013 in International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks
AUTORES: Kroh, M; O'Keefe, M; Voigt, K; Fedderwitz, S; Preve, GB; Lischke, S; Brast, T; Petousi, D; Stamatiadis, C; Kehayas, E; Nogueira, R ; Korn, D; Roccato, D; Schindler, PC; Lazarou, I; Koos, C; Freude, W; Leuthold, J; Avramopoulos, H; Steffan, AG; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2013, FONTE: 2013 15th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, ICTON 2013 in International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks

TÃTULO: Mixed technology platform for terabit optical Ethernet applications
AUTORES: Zimmermann, L; Lischke, S; Fedderwitz, S; Brast, T; Steffan, AG; O'Keefe, M; Petousi, D; Stamatiadis, C; Voigt, K; Preve, GB; Lazarou, I; Avramopoulos, H; Korn, D; Schindler, P; Koos, C; Freude, W; Leuthold, J; Nogueira, R; Roccato, D; Kehayas, E; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2013, FONTE: 2013 IEEE 6th International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology, ICAIT 2013 in 2013 IEEE 6th International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology, ICAIT 2013
AUTORES: Zimmermann, L; Lischke, S; Fedderwitz, S; Brast, T; Steffan, AG; O'Keefe, M; Petousi, D; Stamatiadis, C; Voigt, K; Preve, GB; Lazarou, I; Avramopoulos, H; Korn, D; Schindler, P; Koos, C; Freude, W; Leuthold, J; Nogueira, R; Roccato, D; Kehayas, E; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2013, FONTE: 2013 IEEE 6th International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology, ICAIT 2013 in 2013 IEEE 6th International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology, ICAIT 2013

TÃTULO: The European Galactico project: Coherent Terabit Ethernet systems using 4 m rib waveguide silicon-on-insulator technology and GaAs electro-optic modulators
AUTORES: Zimmermann, L; Voigt, K; Vyrsokinos, K; Stampoulidis, L; Bakopoulos, P; Lazarou, I; Dris, S; Avramopoulos, H; Zhou, Y; Clements, S; Heaton, J; Kroh, M; Yamamoto, Y; Micusik, D; Sheytt, JC; Llopis, M; Preve, GB; Nogueira, R ; Monteiro, P ; Piat, AC; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2011, FONTE: 2011 IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series in 2011 IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series
AUTORES: Zimmermann, L; Voigt, K; Vyrsokinos, K; Stampoulidis, L; Bakopoulos, P; Lazarou, I; Dris, S; Avramopoulos, H; Zhou, Y; Clements, S; Heaton, J; Kroh, M; Yamamoto, Y; Micusik, D; Sheytt, JC; Llopis, M; Preve, GB; Nogueira, R ; Monteiro, P ; Piat, AC; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2011, FONTE: 2011 IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series in 2011 IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series