J. Weingrill
AuthID: R-00G-E7H
TÃTULO: Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission Resolving the nature of transit candidates for the LRa03 and SRa03 fields Full Text
AUTORES: Cavarroc, C; Moutou, C; Gandolfi, D; Tingley, B; Ollivier, M; Aigrain, S; Alonso, R; Almenara, JM; Auvergne, M; Baglin, A; Barge, P; Bonomo, AS; Borde, P; Bouchy, F; Cabrera, J; Carpano, S; Carone, L; Cochran, WD; Csizmadia, S; Deeg, HJ; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2012, FONTE: Astrophysics and Space Science, VOLUME: 337, NÚMERO: 2
AUTORES: Cavarroc, C; Moutou, C; Gandolfi, D; Tingley, B; Ollivier, M; Aigrain, S; Alonso, R; Almenara, JM; Auvergne, M; Baglin, A; Barge, P; Bonomo, AS; Borde, P; Bouchy, F; Cabrera, J; Carpano, S; Carone, L; Cochran, WD; Csizmadia, S; Deeg, HJ; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2012, FONTE: Astrophysics and Space Science, VOLUME: 337, NÚMERO: 2