TITLE: Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission Resolving the nature of transit candidates for the LRa03 and SRa03 fields  Full Text
AUTHORS: Cavarroc, C; Moutou, C; Gandolfi, D; Tingley, B; Ollivier, M; Aigrain, S; Alonso, R; Almenara, JM; Auvergne, M; Baglin, A; Barge, P; Bonomo, AS; Borde, P; Bouchy, F; Cabrera, J; Carpano, S; Carone, L; Cochran, WD; Csizmadia, S; Deeg, HJ; Deleuil, M; Diaz, RF; Dvorak, R; Endl, M; Erikson, A; Fridlund, M; Gillon, M; Guenther, EW; Guillot, T; Hatzes, A; Hebrard, G; Jorda, L; Leger, A; Lammer, H; Lev, TO; Lovis, C; MacQueen, PJ; Mazeh, T; Ofir, A; Parviainen, H; Pasternacki, T; Patzold, M; Queloz, D; Rauer, H; Rouan, D; Samuel, B; Santerne, A; Schneider, J; Weingrill, J; Wuchterl, G; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: Astrophysics and Space Science, VOLUME: 337, ISSUE: 2
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