TÍTULO: Hepatitis C Virus Infection Epidemiology among People Who Inject Drugs in Europe: A Systematic Review of Data for Scaling Up Treatment and Prevention  Full Text
AUTORES: Wiessing, L; Ferri, M; Grady, B; Kantzanou, M; Sperle, I; Cullen, KJ; Hatzakis, A; Prins, M; Vickerman, P; Lazarus, JV; Hope, VD; Mathei, C; Busch, M; Bollaerts, K; Bogdanova, V; Nesheva, E; Fotsiou, N; Kostrikis, L; Mravcik, V; Rehak, V; Castkova, J; Hobstova, J; Nechanska, B; Fouchard, J; Abel Ollo, K; Tefanova, V; Tallo, T; Brummer Korvenkontio, H; Brisacier, AC; Michot, I; Jauffret Roustide, M; Zimmermann, R; Fotiou, A; Gazdag, G; Tarjan, A; Galvin, B; Thornton, L; Cruciani, M; Basso, M; Karnite, A; Caplinskiene, I; Lopes, S; Origer, A; Melillo, J; Camilleri, M; Demanuele, CO; Croes, E; Op De Coul, E; Rosinska, M; Struzik, M; Martins, M; Duran, D; Vilar, G; Resende, ME; Martins, HC; Abagiu, AO; Ruta, S; Arama, V; Kopilovic, B; Kustec, T; Klavs, I; Aleixandre, NL; Folch, C; Bravo, MJ; Gomez, RS; Berglund, T; Strandberg, J; Hotho, D; Van Houdt, S; Low, A; Mcdonald, B; Platt, L; Kalamara, E; Giraudon, I; Groshkova, T; Palladino, C; Hutchinson, S; Ncube, F; Eramova, I; Goldberg, D; Vicente, J; Griffiths, P; ...Mais
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