I. Haunstrup Clemmensen
AuthID: R-00G-S7G
TÃTULO: Factors influencing European GPs' engagement in smoking cessation: A multi-country literature review
AUTORES: Stead, M; Angus, K; Holme, I; Cohen, D; Tait, G; Pena, CC; Cardone, A; Clancy, L; Currie, L; Alam, F; Jarvis, P; Groves, S; Csepe, P; Daver, J; Fleitmann, S; Koprivnikar, H; Massin, S; Nagels, I; Pilali, M; Porebiak, M; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2009, FONTE: British Journal of General Practice, VOLUME: 59, NÚMERO: 566
AUTORES: Stead, M; Angus, K; Holme, I; Cohen, D; Tait, G; Pena, CC; Cardone, A; Clancy, L; Currie, L; Alam, F; Jarvis, P; Groves, S; Csepe, P; Daver, J; Fleitmann, S; Koprivnikar, H; Massin, S; Nagels, I; Pilali, M; Porebiak, M; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2009, FONTE: British Journal of General Practice, VOLUME: 59, NÚMERO: 566