L. Fern?Ndez-Donado
AuthID: R-00G-SEX
TÃTULO: Large-scale temperature response to external forcing in simulations and reconstructions of the last millennium Full Text
AUTORES: Fernández-Donado, L; González-Rouco, JF; Raible, CC; Ammann, CM; Barriopedro, D; García-Bustamante, E; Jungclaus, JH; Lorenz, SJ; Luterbacher, J; Phipps, SJ; Servonnat, J; Swingedouw, D; Tett, SFB; Wagner, S; Yiou, P; Zorita, E;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2013, FONTE: Climate of the Past - Clim. Past, VOLUME: 9, NÚMERO: 1
AUTORES: Fernández-Donado, L; González-Rouco, JF; Raible, CC; Ammann, CM; Barriopedro, D; García-Bustamante, E; Jungclaus, JH; Lorenz, SJ; Luterbacher, J; Phipps, SJ; Servonnat, J; Swingedouw, D; Tett, SFB; Wagner, S; Yiou, P; Zorita, E;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2013, FONTE: Climate of the Past - Clim. Past, VOLUME: 9, NÚMERO: 1