F. Koblasa
AuthID: R-00G-W4R
TÃTULO: Heuristic approach as a way to improve scheduling IN ERP/APS systems
AUTORES: Koblasa, F; Dias, LS; Oliveira, JA; Pereira, G;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2008, FONTE: 15th European Concurrent Engineering Conference, ECEC 2008 and 5th Future Business Technology Conference, FUBUTEC 2008 in 15th European Concurrent Engineering Conference 2008, ECEC 2008 - 5th Future Business Technology Conference, FUBUTEC 2008
AUTORES: Koblasa, F; Dias, LS; Oliveira, JA; Pereira, G;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2008, FONTE: 15th European Concurrent Engineering Conference, ECEC 2008 and 5th Future Business Technology Conference, FUBUTEC 2008 in 15th European Concurrent Engineering Conference 2008, ECEC 2008 - 5th Future Business Technology Conference, FUBUTEC 2008