TITLE: Medical therapy for rheumatic heart disease: Is it time to be proactive rather than reactive?
AUTHORS: Rajamannan, NM; Antonini Canterin, F; Moura, L ; Zamorano, JL; Rosenhek, RA; Best, PJM; Lloyd, MA; Rocha Goncalves, F; Chandra, S; Alfieri, O; Lancellotti, P; Tornos, P; Baliga, RR; Wang, A; Bashore, T; Ramakrishnan, S; Spargias, K; Shuvy, M; Beeri, R; Lotan, C; Suwaidi, JA; Bahl, V; Pierard, LA; Maurer, G; Nicolosi, GL; Rahimtoola, SH; Chopra, HK; Pandian, NG; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: Indian Heart Journal, VOLUME: 61, ISSUE: 1