C. Debard
AuthID: R-00H-9CD
TÃTULO: Round table: The impact of electrotechnologies and their applications to energy efficiency and manufacturing economics
AUTORES: De Janeiro, V; Machiels, M; Sato, MW; Willert Porada, M; Debard, C; Van Reusel, K; Roberts, P; Belmans, R; Cresko, J;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2004, FONTE: 2004 AIChE Annual Meeting in AIChE Annual Meeting, Conference Proceedings
AUTORES: De Janeiro, V; Machiels, M; Sato, MW; Willert Porada, M; Debard, C; Van Reusel, K; Roberts, P; Belmans, R; Cresko, J;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2004, FONTE: 2004 AIChE Annual Meeting in AIChE Annual Meeting, Conference Proceedings