C. Sagirogllu
AuthID: R-00H-9CW
TÃTULO: Ubiquitous participation platform for pOLicy makings (UbiPOL): A research note
AUTORES: Irani, Z; Lee, H; Weerakkody, V; Kamal, M; Topham, S; Simpson, G; Balci, A; Medeni, TD; Gabor, A; Ko, A; Kucukpehlivan, A; Dabanli, A; Sagirogllu, C; Saygin, Y; Nergiz, E; Hintoglu, A; Campos, LM; Correia, P; Luis, JPS; Rebahi, Y; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2010, FONTE: International Journal of Electronic Government Research, VOLUME: 6, NÚMERO: 1
AUTORES: Irani, Z; Lee, H; Weerakkody, V; Kamal, M; Topham, S; Simpson, G; Balci, A; Medeni, TD; Gabor, A; Ko, A; Kucukpehlivan, A; Dabanli, A; Sagirogllu, C; Saygin, Y; Nergiz, E; Hintoglu, A; Campos, LM; Correia, P; Luis, JPS; Rebahi, Y; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2010, FONTE: International Journal of Electronic Government Research, VOLUME: 6, NÚMERO: 1