L. M. Trautweino
AuthID: R-00H-A2G
TÃTULO: Numerical analysis of punching failure: Fe-analyses and experiments
AUTORES: Trautweino, LM; Faria, R ; Figueirai, JA; Bittencour, T; Games, R;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2005, FONTE: 2005 fib Symposium on Keep Concrete Attractive in Keep Concrete Attractive - Proceedings of the fib Symposium 2005, VOLUME: 1
AUTORES: Trautweino, LM; Faria, R ; Figueirai, JA; Bittencour, T; Games, R;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2005, FONTE: 2005 fib Symposium on Keep Concrete Attractive in Keep Concrete Attractive - Proceedings of the fib Symposium 2005, VOLUME: 1