M. F. Figueiredo Paula
AuthID: R-00H-X8N
TÃTULO: Morphotectonics in a low tectonic rate area: Analysis of the southern Portuguese Atlantic coastal region Full Text
AUTORES: Figueiredo Paula, MF; Rockwell R Thomas; Cabral Joao; Ponte Lira Cristina;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2019, FONTE: 7th PATA Days Workshop on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics, and Archaeoseismology in GEOMORPHOLOGY, VOLUME: 326
AUTORES: Figueiredo Paula, MF; Rockwell R Thomas; Cabral Joao; Ponte Lira Cristina;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2019, FONTE: 7th PATA Days Workshop on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics, and Archaeoseismology in GEOMORPHOLOGY, VOLUME: 326