Victor Placido da Conceicao
AuthID: R-00H-Y15
TÃTULO: Survey on Augmented Reality technologies for naval training
AUTORES: Anacleto Correia ; Victor Conceicao;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2019, FONTE: 14th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI) in 2019 14TH IBERIAN CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES (CISTI)
AUTORES: Anacleto Correia ; Victor Conceicao;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2019, FONTE: 14th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI) in 2019 14TH IBERIAN CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES (CISTI)

TÃTULO: Study about the utilization of RADAR during the conduct of the navigation
AUTORES: Carlos Andre P Pesseto Teles; Victor Fernando P Placido da Conceicao;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2019, FONTE: 14th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI) in 2019 14TH IBERIAN CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES (CISTI)
AUTORES: Carlos Andre P Pesseto Teles; Victor Fernando P Placido da Conceicao;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2019, FONTE: 14th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI) in 2019 14TH IBERIAN CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES (CISTI)

TÃTULO: Kalman Filtering Applied to Low-Cost Navigation Systems: A Preliminary Approach
AUTORES: Jose Vieira Duque; Victor Placido da Conceicao; Teodoro, M. Filomena ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2018, FONTE: 18th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA) in COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE AND ITS APPLICATIONS (ICCSA 2018), PT II, VOLUME: 10961
AUTORES: Jose Vieira Duque; Victor Placido da Conceicao; Teodoro, M. Filomena ;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2018, FONTE: 18th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA) in COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE AND ITS APPLICATIONS (ICCSA 2018), PT II, VOLUME: 10961