L. Pr?Torius
AuthID: R-00J-3F9
TÃTULO: Perinatal outcomes in 521 gestations after fresh and frozen cycles: a secondary outcome of a randomized controlled trial comparing GnRH antagonist versus GnRH agonist protocols
AUTORES: Tomás, C; Toftager, M; Løssl, K; Bogstad, J; Prætorius, L; Zedeler, A; Bryndorf, T; Andersen, AN; Pinborg, A;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2019, FONTE: Reproductive BioMedicine Online
AUTORES: Tomás, C; Toftager, M; Løssl, K; Bogstad, J; Prætorius, L; Zedeler, A; Bryndorf, T; Andersen, AN; Pinborg, A;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2019, FONTE: Reproductive BioMedicine Online