H. Erhorn
AuthID: R-00J-8SG
TÃTULO: On the typology, costs, energy performance, environmental quality and operational characteristics of double skin façades in european buildings
AUTORES: Streicher, W; Heimrath, R; Hengsberger, H; Mach, T; Waldner, R; Flamant, G; Loncour, X; Guarracino, G; Erhorn, H; Erhorn Kluttig, H; Santamouris, M; Farou, I; Zerefos, S; Assimakopoulos, M; Duarte, R; Blomsterberg, Å; Sjöberg, L; Blomquist, C;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2013, FONTE: Advances in Building Energy Research, VOLUME: 1
AUTORES: Streicher, W; Heimrath, R; Hengsberger, H; Mach, T; Waldner, R; Flamant, G; Loncour, X; Guarracino, G; Erhorn, H; Erhorn Kluttig, H; Santamouris, M; Farou, I; Zerefos, S; Assimakopoulos, M; Duarte, R; Blomsterberg, Å; Sjöberg, L; Blomquist, C;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2013, FONTE: Advances in Building Energy Research, VOLUME: 1