B. Fern?Ndez Garc?A
AuthID: R-00J-GWW
TÃTULO: Populism by the people: An analysis of online comments in Portugal and Spain∗
AUTORES: Fernández García, B; Salgado, S;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2020, FONTE: 11th International Conference on Social Media and Society: Diverse Voices - Promises and Perils of Social Media for Diversity, SMSociety 2020 in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
AUTORES: Fernández García, B; Salgado, S;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2020, FONTE: 11th International Conference on Social Media and Society: Diverse Voices - Promises and Perils of Social Media for Diversity, SMSociety 2020 in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series