TÍTULO: Infection control, genetic assessment of drug resistance and drug susceptibility testing in the current management of multidrug/extensively-resistant tuberculosis (M/XDR-TB) in Europe: A tuberculosis network European Trialsgroup (TBNET) study  Full Text
AUTORES: Bothamley, GH; Lange, C; Albrecht, D; Anibarro, L; Gomez, NA; Andersen, AB; Avsar, K; Balasanyants, G; Belton, M; García, CB; Bogyi, M; Bruchfeld, J; Caminero, J; Chesov, D; Chiappini, E; Confalonieri, M; Dedicoat, M; Luiza de Souza Galvao, M; Duarte, R ; Dudnyk, A; ...Mais
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2017, FONTE: Respiratory Medicine, VOLUME: 132
INDEXADO EM: Scopus CrossRef: 7