S. ??Mane
AuthID: R-00J-S9Y
TÃTULO: Supporting the role of small farms in the European regional food systems: What role for the science-policy interface?
AUTORES: Šūmane, S; Ortiz Miranda, D; Pinto Correia, T; Czekaj, M; Duckett, D; Galli, F; Grivins, M; Noble, C; Tisenkopfs, T; Toma, I; Tsiligiridis, T;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2021, FONTE: Global Food Security
AUTORES: Šūmane, S; Ortiz Miranda, D; Pinto Correia, T; Czekaj, M; Duckett, D; Galli, F; Grivins, M; Noble, C; Tisenkopfs, T; Toma, I; Tsiligiridis, T;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2021, FONTE: Global Food Security