D. C. S? Caputo
AuthID: R-00J-SEN
TÃTULO: Effects of passive whole-body vibration and auriculotherapy on the surface electromyographic pattern of the vastus lateralis right muscle in individuals with knee osteoarthritis
AUTORES: Moreira Marconi, E; Lírio, A; Moura Fernandes, MC; Meirelles, A; Santos, TL; de Souza, LFF; Melo Oliveira, MES; Marchon, R; Silva, YT; Lopes Souza, P; Francisca Santos, A; Reis Silva, A; Guedes Aguiar, EO; Paineiras Domingos, LL; Sá Caputo, DC; Seixas, A ; Sañudo, B; Bernardo Filho, M;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2020, FONTE: 1st International Conference on Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies, IHIET 2019 in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, VOLUME: 1018
AUTORES: Moreira Marconi, E; Lírio, A; Moura Fernandes, MC; Meirelles, A; Santos, TL; de Souza, LFF; Melo Oliveira, MES; Marchon, R; Silva, YT; Lopes Souza, P; Francisca Santos, A; Reis Silva, A; Guedes Aguiar, EO; Paineiras Domingos, LL; Sá Caputo, DC; Seixas, A ; Sañudo, B; Bernardo Filho, M;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2020, FONTE: 1st International Conference on Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies, IHIET 2019 in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, VOLUME: 1018