TÍTULO: From a Linear Literary Narrative to an Interactive Digital Narrative: A Study on Potentialities Through Two Tales: "The Mystery of the Tree" and "Red Riding Hood"
AUTORES: Ferreira, AI; Ferreira, S;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2021, FONTE: 4th International Conference on Digital Design and Communication (Digicom) in ADVANCES IN DESIGN AND DIGITAL COMMUNICATION, DIGICOM 2020, VOLUME: 12
INDEXADO EM: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 1
TÍTULO: Mobile Location-Based Augmented Reality Applications for Urban Tourism Storytelling
AUTORES: Rui Nobrega ; Jacob, J ; Antonio Coelho ; Jessika Weber; Joao Ribeiro; Soraia Ferreira;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2017, FONTE: 24th Encontro Portugues de Computacao Grcfica e Interacao (EPCGI) in 2017 24 ENCONTRO PORTUGUES DE COMPUTACAO GRAFICA E INTERACAO (EPCGI), VOLUME: 2017-January
INDEXADO EM: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 37