S. E. Efflandt
AuthID: R-00J-WDX
TÃTULO: Bioactive glass paste in molars of mini-pigs: An in vivo study
AUTORES: Efflandt, SE; Lopes, M ; Ko, CC; Perdigao, J; Douglas, WH; Francis, LF;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2001, FONTE: Biomaterials for Drug Delivery and Tissue Engineering in Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, VOLUME: 662
AUTORES: Efflandt, SE; Lopes, M ; Ko, CC; Perdigao, J; Douglas, WH; Francis, LF;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2001, FONTE: Biomaterials for Drug Delivery and Tissue Engineering in Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, VOLUME: 662