M. Jose Yuste Sanchez
AuthID: R-00K-DTS
TÃTULO: International Physical Activity Questionnaire for people post COVID-19: a validation study Full Text
AUTORES: Diciolla, Nicola Sante; Marques, Alda; Jimenez Martin, Ana; Villa, Sara Garcia De; Redondo Garcia, Javier; Torres Lacomba, Maris; Yuste Sanchez, Maria Jose;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2023, FONTE: Annual congress of the European-Respiratory-Society (ERS) in EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL, VOLUME: 62
AUTORES: Diciolla, Nicola Sante; Marques, Alda; Jimenez Martin, Ana; Villa, Sara Garcia De; Redondo Garcia, Javier; Torres Lacomba, Maris; Yuste Sanchez, Maria Jose;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2023, FONTE: Annual congress of the European-Respiratory-Society (ERS) in EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL, VOLUME: 62

TÃTULO: Physical Activity coaching in people with COPD: a systematic literature review Full Text
AUTORES: Sante Diciolla, Nicola; Jose Yuste Sanchez, Maria; Marques, Alda;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2023, FONTE: Annual congress of the European-Respiratory-Society (ERS) in EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL, VOLUME: 62
AUTORES: Sante Diciolla, Nicola; Jose Yuste Sanchez, Maria; Marques, Alda;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2023, FONTE: Annual congress of the European-Respiratory-Society (ERS) in EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL, VOLUME: 62

TÃTULO: IMU-based monitoring of discharged patients with COVID-19 for the assessment of in-home recovering
AUTORES: Jimenez Martin, Ana; Garcia de Villa, Sara; Redondo Garcia, F. Javier; Garcia Dominguez, J. Jesus; Diciolla, Nicola; Yuste Sanchez, M. Jose; Marques, Alda; Jimenez, Antonio R.;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: 17th IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (IEEE MeMeA) in 2022 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MEDICAL MEASUREMENTS AND APPLICATIONS (MEMEA 2022)
AUTORES: Jimenez Martin, Ana; Garcia de Villa, Sara; Redondo Garcia, F. Javier; Garcia Dominguez, J. Jesus; Diciolla, Nicola; Yuste Sanchez, M. Jose; Marques, Alda; Jimenez, Antonio R.;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: 17th IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (IEEE MeMeA) in 2022 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MEDICAL MEASUREMENTS AND APPLICATIONS (MEMEA 2022)