M. S. Sotoodeh
AuthID: R-00K-K55
TÃTULO: Effects of Endorsers Popularity and Gender on the Audience’s Attention to the Advertisement from a Neuromarketing Perspective: An Eye-Tracking Study
AUTORES: Zahmati, M; Azimzadeh, SM; Sotoodeh, MS; Asgari, O;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: 3rd Digital Marketing and eCommerce Conference, DMEC 2022 in Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics
AUTORES: Zahmati, M; Azimzadeh, SM; Sotoodeh, MS; Asgari, O;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2022, FONTE: 3rd Digital Marketing and eCommerce Conference, DMEC 2022 in Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics