L. de Castro Moutinho
AuthID: R-00K-KA2
TÃTULO: Where the wine is velvet: Verbo-pictorial metaphors in written advertising
AUTORES: Coimbra, RL; Duarte, HMV; De Castro Moutinho, L;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2006, FONTE: 1st ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Experimental Linguistics, ExLing 2006 in 1st ITRW on Experimental Linguistics, ExLing 2006
AUTORES: Coimbra, RL; Duarte, HMV; De Castro Moutinho, L;
PUBLICAÇÃO: 2006, FONTE: 1st ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Experimental Linguistics, ExLing 2006 in 1st ITRW on Experimental Linguistics, ExLing 2006